Deniz Ergen
ORSC Practitioner, Exec Coach & Mentor, Exco Member
A co-founder of ArtYourChange, Ergen is a Systems and Executive Coach. He has thirty years of work experience, primarily in banking and financial markets. He left his corporate career as the Deputy General Manager responsible for Retail Banking Sales at Finansbank A.Ş to pursue his dream of obtaining a master’s degree in engineering, which he completed in systems engineering.
He has completed Integral Coaching and The Performance Coach programs. Subsequently, he completed the ORSC (Organizational Relationship Systems Coaching) training and became a practitioner of the model. For ten years, he has been working with executives on individual and group coaching through Deniz Ergen Consulting Services Ltd and the Business Coaching – BuCo Akademi Consulting A.Ş team.
He customizes and implements workshops for organizations using methods to uncover interpersonal intelligence within corporate systems. His most worked-on topics include Living in a VUCA Environment, System Living, Team Building and Management, and Leader and Communication.
His current roles include executive coaching, board membership, mentoring coaching at all management levels, meeting speaker engagements, and meeting facilitation (facilitation).
His workshops are platforms where right and left brain functions emerge together and harmoniously, flowing with somatic practices. The main schools of thought that inspire him include the Gestalt Coaching Approach, Arnold Mindell’s System Approach, Lewis’s Deep Democracy Model, Heart-Body-Mind balance studies, Harvard Adaptive Leadership, and Oshry System Living.
Due to his passion for continuous learning and updating, he is a perpetual student. He is the mother of a very analytical young man who inspires and amazes her. He is an athlete and nature lover. He advocates for the rights of all living beings. He regularly practices yoga and meditation and is a sailing racer.